
The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) is primarily a volunteer organization, whose strength derives from its roots in local communities. As the nation’s largest and oldest grassroots civil rights organization, the primary focus of the NAACP continues to be the protection and enhancement of the civil rights of African Americans.

The NAACP was instrumental in securing the passage of all civil rights legislation in this century and remains committed to its full implementation. It does this by utilizing the legislative and judicial processes to ensure equity and fairness in such areas as housing, employment, voting, political representation, education, administration of justice, health, etc.

The NAACP is supported by membership fees, fundraising events, private gifts, foundation grants, and contributions from corporations.

The NAACP has always been diverse and will continue to be so. Membership is open to anyone believing in the basic tenets of the NAACP.

For more information please contact us at contactus@naacpsumnercounty.org

Mission & Vision

Click here to see more about our mission & vision statement.


Learn more about the history of the NAACP in the Sumner County area.